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Writer's pictureMark Leeson

Lean Metrics: Tracking Success In Continuous Improvement

Continuous Improvement through Lean metrics is a key part of manufacturing, enabling businesses to enhance their operational health and achieve Organisational Excellence. 

This article will explore Lean metrics, how to interpret them for growth, and provide an example of them in practice.

Lean Metrics - Tracking Success In Continuous Improvement

Key metrics in Lean 

Lean metrics are fundamental to measure the health of a business’ processes and outcomes. 5S and Kaizen relate to Lean metrics – these philosophies focus on small, iterative changes to trigger overarching evolution and improvement. 

Performance indicators – such as cycle time, lead time, and customer satisfaction – help to establish an organisation’s progress, and necessary future actions. Each metric allows for discovering the latent potential of operational transformation. Working out how they link to your business and its health enables you to shape the objectives it needs to achieve, and ultimately, its success. 

Interpreting Lean metrics for growth 

The data highlights benchmarks, successes, and struggles – like issues around growth and a lack of development. Through interpretation, companies can gain understanding of what the figures mean, and apply them to make informed decisions, develop an effective strategy, and move towards sustainable expansion. 

Lean Metrics Example

Example: Interpreting Lean metrics for growth in a small manufacturing unit

Step 1: Identify key metrics

  • Process: Establish crucial Lean metrics to monitor.

  • Application: Management pinpoints defect rate (the percentage of products manufactured incorrectly) and lead time (the time taken from receiving an order to delivering the product).

Step 2: Collect data

  • Process: Implement a system to meticulously collate data related to the metrics.

  • Application: The unit utilises production records and customer feedback to gather relevant data on defect rates and lead times.

Step 3: Analyse data

  • Process: Examine the data to identify patterns, spikes, and any inconsistencies.

  • Application: If the defect rate is increasing, management scrutinises production processes to establish the root cause.

Step 4: Involve the team

  • Process: Discuss the findings with the manufacturing team.

  • Application: There’s a meeting with the team to talk about the rising defect rate, providing the opportunity for them to share their observations.

Step 5: Establish issues

  • Process: Investigate the problems highlighted by the data and team feedback.

  • Application: It’s found that machinery malfunctions and a misstep in the production process are the reasons behind the defects.

Step 6: Implement changes

  • Process: Make necessary adjustments based on the identified issues.

  • Application: Management decides to update the machinery and streamline the production process to mitigate defects.

Step 7: Monitor adjustments

  • Process: Ensure constant tracking of the same metrics after actioning the changes.

  • Application: Post-adjustment, the defect rate is continuously monitored to assess the impact of the changes made.

Step 8: Evaluate impact

  • Process: Critically assess whether the adjustments positively influenced the metrics.

  • Application: They look at if the defect rate decreases and remains consistent or not, and whether to perform further investigation.

Step 9: Continuously improve

  • Process: Constantly observe metrics to pinpoint further enhancement opportunities.

  • Application: Management establishes a periodic review of Lean metrics to ensure sustained improvement and growth.

Step 10: Gain customer feedback

  • Process: Validate improvements by checking whether the changes positively impact customer satisfaction.

  • Application: The unit analyses customer feedback and reviews around the product quality to make sure that improvements are leading to better experiences.

By systematically following these steps, the small manufacturing unit can identify and rectify issues influencing defect rates and lead times. Plus, they can build a culture of continuous growth and improvement by consistently interpreting and responding to Lean metrics. This holistic approach ensures the long-term viability and success of the business.

Using metrics to drive improvements 

Lean metrics relate to Six Sigma and Continuous Improvement methodology, as analysing them enables you to reduce waste, better process quality, and enhance the operational flow. After all, Lean metrics aren’t just about leveraging data. You should also use them as performance indicators to make informed decisions, improve customer experiences, and move towards constant refinement. Ultimately, this triggers better operational health and Organisational Excellence. 

To learn more about Lean metrics or sign up for one of our courses, please contact us:

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